Corel draw tutorial, Guarantee Label Vector
After corel draw tutorial "how to create Label in corel draw", there is some demand for more tutorials, with Label vector topic and with more quickly and easily way. But in fact with the previous tutorial, you can deepen again with a more varied forms.
And this is a tutorial request from Yusuf, Malang - Indonesia. Of course with video, so more clearly. Enjoy, Cup ! ;)
Here the Video :
Here the detail :
1. Pick Polygon tool (under the ellipse tool), or press "Y" on keyboard
2. On property bar , (default is 5sides) >>> Set side value of Polygon into 40sides.

Now you have a polygon with 40sides, every side has a node point, drag inside ONE of the node, using shape tool, something like this :
3. Create two circle and put in the middle of the polygon
Select the little circle, hold "shift" on your keyboard, click the big circle, then press Trim button on property bar , you can see about trim on "Create label vector in corel draw"
4. Fill color
5. Ribbon/Banner
- Create Rectangle, and put in the middle of the vector, fill with white color.
Ribbon Wing
- create small rectangle
- and send it to back of layer or press " shift + Pgdn"
- then Convert it to qurve
- create node in center right line of that small rectangle, drag the node inside with shape tool.
- Fill with White color.
Something like this
- create triangle
- Put it the triangle, and make sure the angle meet the point of wing and rectangle.
- Color it temporary with blue
- Select the wing and the fold, send those to back of the layer
- Make sure that Rectangle, Wing and Fold already in qurve, make sure select them and convert it into qurve.
- Click once on the top line of the rectangle, click "convert line to qurve" on property bar
Do the step to wing and the fold
something like this
Select the wing and the fold, Flip it 100% to left, click-right mouse at the same time to duplicate it.
What we have now ? Turn blue color to something dark.
create GUARANTEE text, than click the envelope tool
RELATED TUTORIAL :After corel draw tutorial "how to create Label in corel draw", there is some demand for more tutorials, with Label vector topic and with more quickly and easily way. But in fact with the previous tutorial, you can deepen again with a more varied forms.
And this is a tutorial request from Yusuf, Malang - Indonesia. Of course with video, so more clearly. Enjoy, Cup ! ;)
Here the Video :
Here the detail :
1. Pick Polygon tool (under the ellipse tool), or press "Y" on keyboard
2. On property bar , (default is 5sides) >>> Set side value of Polygon into 40sides.
Now you have a polygon with 40sides, every side has a node point, drag inside ONE of the node, using shape tool, something like this :
3. Create two circle and put in the middle of the polygon
Select the little circle, hold "shift" on your keyboard, click the big circle, then press Trim button on property bar , you can see about trim on "Create label vector in corel draw"
4. Fill color
5. Ribbon/Banner
- Create Rectangle, and put in the middle of the vector, fill with white color.
Ribbon Wing
- create small rectangle
- and send it to back of layer or press " shift + Pgdn"
- then Convert it to qurve
- create node in center right line of that small rectangle, drag the node inside with shape tool.
- Fill with White color.
Something like this
- create triangle
- Put it the triangle, and make sure the angle meet the point of wing and rectangle.
- Color it temporary with blue
- Select the wing and the fold, send those to back of the layer
- Make sure that Rectangle, Wing and Fold already in qurve, make sure select them and convert it into qurve.
- Click once on the top line of the rectangle, click "convert line to qurve" on property bar
Do the step to wing and the fold
something like this
Select the wing and the fold, Flip it 100% to left, click-right mouse at the same time to duplicate it.
What we have now ? Turn blue color to something dark.
create GUARANTEE text, than click the envelope tool
delete the Blue block node, and make a wave like you did to the ribbon.
put guarantee accessories , such thumb vector.
On the menu bar, Text >> Insert symbol character or just pres "ctrl + F11"
Select Wingding font, you will see there many symbol on the dialogue, Drug the thumb symbol into document page, and put it in the middle of label, and Fill white color.
There you go, Yusuf.... Your Guarantee Label Vector in Corel Draw Format File
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